pgi section 22
Board of directors
The Section 22 Board of Directors and their contact information is below. The Board meets on the Third Tuesday of every month at 1-am on the patio of the Linkside Cafe at the Burnt Store Marina Country Club. Notice of Meetings is posted on the website and the bulletin Boards at the Gatehouse, Golf Club and Marina. For any questions or to send a message to the Board of Directors. Please click the appropriate email address below.

Mike McFeeley
Fitness Center Liaison
- Term Expires January 2026

Vice President
Jerry Newmin
Community Partner/PPYC/Safe Harbor, Burnt Store Road Coalition, CERT Liaison
- Term Expires January 2026

DIRECTOR at large
Lynda Vail
BSMCC Liaison
- Term Expires January 2025

Director at large
Jon Ackerson
- Term Expires January 2025

Greg Beaton
- Term Expires January 2025

Mark Murphy
BSM Entry Management, IT/Contracts, BSMCC Liaison
- Term Expires January 2025

Mike Sage
- Term Expires January 2026
- Reports to: The Residents of Burnt Store Marina
- Responsibilities: Is the chief executive Officer of the Association and shall preside over all meetings, sign instruments on behalf of the Association and perform the duties usually required of the Chief Executive Office
- Committees reporting to this office are as follows:
- Infrastructure
- Reports to : The Section 22 President
- Responsibilities: In the absence or disability of the President, shall exercise the power and perform the duties of the President and shall also assist the President generally, and exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as shall be prescribed by the Directors.
- Committee reporting to this office are as follows:
- Landscaping and BSCC
- Reports to: The Section 22 President
- Responsibilities: Shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the Directors and the Members and shall attend to the giving and serving of all notices to the Members and Directors and other notices as required by law. The Secretary shall have the custody of the seal of the Association and affix it to instruments requiring a seal when duly signed. Treasurers responsibilities include having custody of all monies belonging to the association and shall be solely responsible for all such monies and shall perform all other duties incident to the office of Treasurer
- Committees reporting to this office are as follows:
- Finance Committee & BSCC
- Reports to: The Section 22 President
- Responsibilities: This office is responsible for the single point interface/integration point between the BSM Developer and the Board. Additionally this office will provide insight, policy direction and approval for all long range plans for the community.
- Committees reporting to this office are as follows:
- Long Range Planning Committee
- Reports to: The Section 22 President
- Responsibilities: This office shall provide insight , policy, direction and approval for all landscaping/irrigation control initiatives and projects.
- Committee reporting to this office is as follows:
- Landscape Committee
- Reports to: The Section 22 Director
- Responsibilities: Shall provide policy ,oversight, direction and approval on all matters pertaining to infrastructure initiatives for BSM. Typical items include paving, structural modification and capital improvements for the community. Additionally this office will provide insight , policy direction and approval for all modification, additions and other home owner changes to assure their integration into the overall theme of BSM.
- Committees reporting to this office are as follows:
*Architectural Review committee
- Reports to: The Section 22 President
- Responsibilities: Shall provide policy, oversight, direction and approval on all matters pertaining to BSM communications. Typical items of responsibility include oversight and coordination of the Beacon Newspaper, the BSM Section 22 website and the various other critical communication mediums.
- Committees reporting to this office are as follows:
- Website Liaison
- Resident Directory
- Beacon Editorial Committee
- Distribution Committee
- Reports to and Supports: The Section 22 Board
- Responsibilities: To implement the decisions and policies established by the Board of Directors of the association. Detail duties are as follows:
- Act under the direction and control of the Board
- Attend to repairs
- Make sure the association complies with all laws
- Provide inspection of records as required by law
- Consult with outside contractors and professionals retained by the Association
- Confirm outside services rendered
- Guide and assist Board Members in the performance of their obligations
- Guide and assist Board Members in the development of policies and procedures
- Assist in administration as requested by the Board
- Keep records of affairs of the Association
- Maintain registers of owners , officer’s and directors
- Attend to necessary correspondence
- Provide full accounting services
- Mail notice of delinquencies to any owners
- Make disbursements from assessments collected for expenses provided by the budget
- Furnish monthly financial reports
- Organize meetings for the Board including notices, etc.
- Provide copies of correspondence and other business during the previous month.
- Furnish information to CPA’s for the filing of tax returns, etc.
- Provide for payment of licenses and fees
- Prepare an annual budget
- Provide necessary information to unit owners
- Organize the annual meeting of owners including the distribution of notices, etc.
- Furnish an annual financial report
- As authorized by the Board provide covenant enforcement and contractor oversight
- Monitor the performance of the employees of the Association
- Negotiate and execute contracts on behalf of the Association
- Expend amounts required on behalf of the Association in emergencies, etc.